
Notifiable diseases are infectious diseases that the Ministry of Health needs to know about because of their contagiousness, severity, or frequency.

After a case is notified, the Ministry of Health can take steps to try to prevent further cases of the disease and to protect the community.

Disease notification is a legal requirement in Vanuatu. Under the Public Health Act, health care workers must inform the Ministry of Health of new cases of notifiable diseases. Health care workers include medical officers, nurses and laboratory officers.

Notifiable diseases can be identified in a health clinic, dispensary or a hospital. It also includes private clinics or health services.

Notifiable diseases can include confirmed cases or suspected cases. Confirmed cases can include detection through laboratory tests and point-of-care or rapid tests.

Working Hours

Office Open Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM

Hospital/Emergency: 24/7


Ministry of Health Office

Phone: +(678) 22512 / +(678) 33080
VOIP: 2050

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