Minister Office

Means of Service Delivery

The Minister of Health represents the Ministry of Health in Parliament sittings.

He attend weekly meetings with fellow Ministers in Council of Ministers and regular meetings with Director General and other members of Ministry Executive.

He oversees review of key policy and strategy documents for 2022 and beyond.

He attends international conferences and other meetings to discuss health needs of Vanuatu and encourage international support.


Ministry of Health policy is established to provide direction required to deliver the Vision.

Ministry of Health needs are represented in Parliament through promoting Ministry’s annual budget and policies with additional resources allocated to identified priorities and emerging threats or opportunities.

More effective international partnerships are nurtured through in-country, regional and international health meetings.

Hon. John Still Tariqetu, Minister of Health

Working Hours

Office Open Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM

Hospital/Emergency: 24/7


Ministry of Health Office

Phone: +(678) 22512 / +(678) 33080
VOIP: 2050

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