The Malampa Provincial Health would like to inform all Malampa citizens to get prepared to received COVID-19 vaccination and other primary health services from the Respond Global.
The Respond Global is assisting Malampa local team since 7 June 2022 to vaccinate people in hard-to-reach locations on Paama and Ambrym where there is low COVID-19 vaccination coverage.
The mission will also support access to other vaccines and primary health services that have been impacted by the pandemic. The health services includes;
- Roll out of COVID -19 vaccine to hard-to-reach areas / low coverage areas
- Transport of essential pharmaceuticals and health materials to designated sites
- Provide general and specialized essential services - ENT, Dental, Eye and NCD services
- Roll out Rapid testing for diagnostic and surveillance purposes
- Provide access to catch up childhood vaccines in hard-to-reach areas if required.
Malampa Health vaccination coverage reports shows that there are communities and areas that have not yet received at least first and second dose of their COVID-19 vaccination.
The Respond global will help Malampa Health team to revisit areas of the two-island (Ambrym and Paama) reason of out of stock of Vaccines since March to June 2022 have reports of many defaults (drop out) because of lockdown between inter islands that did not allow people to travel.
According to the Malampa Health operational plan, the outreach program will be only for 6 days targeting the areas of Graig Cove, Sesivi, olal, Utas and Endu on Ambrym and Liro on Paama Island.
The Respond Global will be available for continuation of second round vaccines fand for continuation of essential service visits, essential resupply and other priorities according to the COVID-19 epidemiological situation at that time.