Press Releases

VCH General Outpatient Department Services to be access at the peripheral health facilities within Port Vila

The Vila Central Hospital wish to remind the general public to access the General Outpatient Department (OPD) services in other health facilities within the Port Vila area and other health facilities in South, North Efate, and Offshore Islands.

Specialist Clinics, such as Children specialist clinics, Surgical clinics, Medical specialist clinics, and Mental health clinics will continue to be run at Vila Central Hospital. Pregnant women in their third trimester (9 months pregnant), and pregnant mother in the high-risk category will be seen at VCH, including Gynecology clinic.

Emergency department and services can be accessed through the outpatient waiting area. Emergency departmentss will only be receiving patients requiring emergency treatment and those with referral notes from referring health facility.

This is part of the Ministry of Health decision to reinforce and activate referral pathways outlined in the National Health Referral Policy, National Health Facility Role Delineation Policy and roll out of its human resources placements that has increased in health facilities since 2017.

To ensure that health services are provided closer to the doorstep of people, general outpatient services and COVID-19 testing are now provided at the following health facilities;

  • Imere Health Centre,
  • Erakor Dispensary,
  • Pango Kalwat Memorial Health Center,
  • NTM Heath Centre,
  • Erasa Municipal Dispensary,
  • Welu Dispensary
  • Fresh water Dispensary
  • Saint Camille Dispensary ( Anamburu),
  • Vanuatu Family Health Medical Centre,
  • Kam Pusum Hed at Wan Smol Bag, Tagabe,
  • Marine Reach Family Care Centre at Teouma Valley.
  • Saupia Health Centre, Paunangisu, Efate
  • Kam pusum Hed clinic, Port Vila.
  • Amuari Dispensary, Lelepa Island
  • Leimarowia Dispensary, Moso Island
  • Silimoli Dispensary, Nguna Island
  • Marowia Dispensary, Emau Island
  • Rufare Mauri Dispensary, Ifira Island

Everyone requiring emergency care is encouraged to visit VCH emergency department at the earliest and the service provided is 24 hours, and this applies for those who do not have covid and those who do

Working Hours

Office Open Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM

Hospital/Emergency: 24/7


Ministry of Health Office

Phone: +(678) 22512 / +(678) 33080
VOIP: 2050

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