1. Roles and responsibilities
NPH is the designated referral hospital for Luganville municipality and SANMA Province. SANMA Province is divided into 9 health zones with designated health facilities and staff to provide primary care services and public health interventions to the coverage population. The health zone coverage area and their populations are represented below.Figure 1. SANMA Province health zones and health facilities

Zone |
Population (Population (2017 Projected population) |
1 |
18,460 |
2 |
7,710 |
3 |
5,186 |
4 |
8,653 |
5 |
2,964 |
6 |
3,508 |
7 |
3,091 |
8 |
2,405 |
9 |
6,940 |
Total |
58,917 |
NPH also assumes the role of provincial referral hospital for the four northern provinces of MALAMPA, PENAMA, SANMA AND TORBA. The catchment population is 140,977 (projected population in 2017) which is approximately 50% of the total population of Vanuatu. A summary of catchment population can be represented as such:
Table 2. Summary of NPH catchment area by sex (2016 Mini-census)
Male |
Female |
20,689 |
20,239 |
40,928 |
16,549 |
15,985 |
32,534 |
27,901 |
26,283 |
54,184 |
5,153 |
5,008 |
10,161 |
70,292 |
67,515 |
137,807 |
Table 3. Summary of NPH catchment area by age group (2016 Mini-census)
<15 years |
>15 years |
16,443 |
24,485 |
40,928 |
13,497 |
19,037 |
32,534 |
20,765 |
33,419 |
54,184 |
4,179 |
5,982 |
10,161 |
54,884 |
82,923 |
137,807 |
2. Governance
NPH has an established governance structure according to the PSC approved Ministry of Health structure for hospitals. There is a strong emphasis on an organisational framework and continuous assessment on activities through monthly Management, Heads of Section and Section meetings has steered our activities towards improved key outcomes. We recognize that communication of information through a bottom up approach is a key priority for a successful outcome.
Monitoring and evaluation of over-all hospital services and expenditure is provided by the Ministry of Health through its Internal Audit and Finance Unit. Additional support has been provided by technical advisors from the World Bank.
In 2016, NPH was identified as one of the premier public institutions and was audited by the parliamentary-appointed Public Accounts Committee.
3. Provincial
An established administration channel of communication and robust teamwork has allowed NPH to assist neighbouring provincial hospitals and provincial public health services with public health services planning, corporate planning and cost-sharing of priority activities, financial services and annual business planning, medical outreach services and specialist clinical services planning.
4. Community Service
NPH is dedicated to providing community services that benefit the wider community. These primary care services include providing medical services and training of first aiders during provincial and national sporting events. NPH promotes staff participation on national duties whether as an athlete, health officer or volunteer basis.
5. Public Health
NPH actively participates in public health initiatives such as public health awareness programs, outbreak response and integrated outreach visits. Delivering integrated health services is cost effective and addresses the root cause of morbidity and mortality.
6. Partnetships
NPH continues to promote private-public partnerships with various local and overseas-based organizations such as Aid In Kind partners (DAISI, NZ Doctors Sabbatical), Church Based Organizations (Churches of Christ Medical Santo, Wings of Hope, Marine Reach, Pacific Yacht Ministries), Non-Government Organizations (Motivation Australia), International NGO (Rotary, Global Fund, JICA, IsraAid) and development partners (DFAT, MFAT, WHO, World Bank, Unicef, UNDP). These partnerships are guided by standing MoU’s with the Ministry of Health and serve to strengthen hospital services and meet service gaps.
7. Mortality
The key health parameters to do with morbidity are summarized in Table 4 and 5.
Table 4: Top 5 causes of Death (Age 20 – 50 years) at NPH
Serial |
Cause of Death |
Remarks |
1 |
Complications related to diabetes |
Across all services |
2 |
Complications related to hypertension |
Across all services |
3 |
Complications related to cardiovascular disease |
Across all services |
4 |
Complication related to Sepsis |
Across all services |
5 |
Malignancy |
Across all services |
Table 5: Top 5 causes of death (Age <1year) at NPH
Serial |
Cause of Death |
Remarks |
1 |
Complications related to severe acute malnutrition |
Data from Paediatrics Services |
2 |
Complications related to congenital heart disease |
Data from Paediatrics Services |
3 |
Complications related to meningitis |
Data from Paediatrics Services |
4 |
Complications related to intrauterine hypoxia |
Collected from Nursery services |
5 |
Complications related to prematurity |
Collected from Nursery services |
Services Provided
Table1: Services Provided
Services Provided |
Availability |
Administrative Services |
Administration |
Human Resources |
Finance Management |
Health Information Systems |
Hospital Supplies |
Switch Board |
NO |
Nursing Services |
General Nursing Services |
Specialised Nursing Services |
a. Midwifery Services |
b. Nurse Practitioner Services |
c. Nursing Anaesthesia |
d. Eye Care |
e. Ear, Norse and Throat (ENT) |
f. Operating Theatre |
Medical Services |
Outpatient Department |
NO |
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care |
NO |
Paediatrics |
Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Surgery |
Internal Medicine |
Ophthalmology |
NO |
NO |
Accident and Emergency |
NO |
Radiology |
NO |
Pathology |
NO |
Mental Health |
NO |
Allied Health Services |
Laboratory Services |
Medical Imaging Services |
Oral Health Services |
Pharmacy Services |
Dietetics |
NO |
Physiotherapy |
NO |
Maintenance Services |
Availability |
Maintenance Services |
a. Carpentry Services |
b. Electrical Services |
c. Plumbing Services |
d. Waste Management Services |
e. Motor Mechanical Services |
f. Gardening Services |
g. Medical Gas Services |
House Keeping Services |
Social Work |
NO |
Kitchen Services |
Laundry Services |
Transport Services |
Ambulance Services |
Security Services |
Biomedical Services |
NO |
Key Archievements
It is a pleasure to report on the 6 priority operational areas and the key outcomes that have directly enriched the quality and standard of services that NPH is able to deliver.
Priority Area |
Key Outcomes |
1.1 Completed renovation of two staff houses allowing emergency staff to reside near the hospital compound and reducing Emergency Response Times for surgical operations. |
1.2 Completed renovation of Tuberculosis and Medical wards addressing staff work environment, patient care, patient flow and infection control and prevention issues. |
1.3 Completed renovations of Paediatric ward addressing staff work environment, patient care, patient-flow and infection control and prevention issues. |
Priority Area |
Key Outcomes |
2.1 Settlement of outstanding on-call allowance claims over twelve month period with a view to monthly settlements in 2018 |
2.2 Settlement of outstanding Acting allowances with a view to permanent appointments in 2018 |
2.3 Introduction of specialist locums for Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Anaesthesia, Internal Medicine and Surgery with a view to providing clinical supervision of interns, mentorship of registrars and allowing regular integrated provincial outreach visits. |
Priority Area |
Key Outcomes |
3.1 Review of hospital nursing services Standard Operating Procedure manual with a view to implementation of the manual in 2018 |
3.2 Review of hospital financial services Standard Operating Procedure policy with a view to implementation in 2018 |
Priority Area |
Key Outcomes |
4.1 Installation of hand-washing facilities and consumables for infection control and prevention; in all sections |
4.2 Maintenance of medical laboratory and medical imaging machines to ensure optimum function and support clinical services |
4.3 Acquisition of a paediatric bronchoscope to assist paediatric clinical services |
4.4 Instalment of computerized digital x-ray machine to assist clinical services and examinations for seasonal worker’s scheme |
Priority Area |
5. Outreach |
Key Outcomes |
5.1 Provision of integrated outreach services to TORBA, SANMA, PENAMA and MALAMPA |
5.2 Establishment of Emergency Medical Teams deployed to provide integrated clinical and public health services in Ambae Volcano disaster response |
5.3 Provision of community based first aid services to local, provincial and national events including Van2017 Pacific Mini-Games from December 4-14th to ensure safety of participants and spectators |
Priority Area |
6. Continuous Professional Development and Training |
6.1 Introduction of Medical Internship Program rotations to NPH as part of rural exposure, including participation in Emergency Medical Teams and Van2017 Medical Services |
6.2 Completion of VIPAM training skills series and graduation of NPH staff in BESS, CLDS and Filing and Confidentiality and specialist nursing areas of mental health and child health. |
6.3 Supporting staff to attend and present research papers at regional conferences in Port Vila e.g Local interventions for improving the management of Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PSRH conference, July 2017), Establishing Emergency Medical Teams (VMDA-GCMA conference, September 2017), Provincial Hospital Management - NPH (VMDA-GCMA conference, September 2017) |
- Establish a functional management team for the hospital
- Establish key planning documents
- Strengthen Revenue Collection for Lenakel Hospital
- Decentralize of clinical services to reach all population for TAFEA Province
- Strengthen the workforce for the Hospital
Means of Services Delivery
- Monthly managers meetings and working with Ministry of Health with aid donors
- Managers work in line with ward incharge and general services to create a business plan for 2018
- Appoint a staff on contract collecting revenue with the assistance from Finance officer assistance
- Increase outreach Activity around Tanna and TAFEA Outer Island
- Appointment for off books, contract and acting position in to the new structure